This is my first blog post for 2012. I've been away for 3 long weeks and it feels great to be back. Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you more and more success in your online earning careers and endeavors!
I spend most of my holidays with my family back home with minimal internet connection. During my vacation, I decided not to worry about my online earnings during that time so that I may truly enjoy my rest. That's why I am considering my January money (earned in December) as my true passive income.
This January, I am expecting $7.60 from Triond. Not bad! I say, it's a great way to start my year. Plus I just requested payout from Expertscolumn. Another $5 for me, Yay!
Anyway, it's a new year once more. A new beginning. The perfect time (as always) to start a habit or a resolution. With that, this is my proclamation - This year, my goal for my online earnings is to reach a $100 a day. I am sure it will not be easy for me to reach this target. However, I am certain to do my very best to succeed. ;)
Earning a dollar a day is already a feat. What more for a daily $100! A $100 a day is a lot... a lot of hard work, a lot of planning, a lot of execution and a lot of money when everything comes into place. However, I will focus on the rewards of my work so everything would feel effortless on my part.
Triond of course, is definitely a part of this online earning goal. I am going to use several other earning and social bookmarking sites like Experstcolumn, Squidoo and Bukisa to make my goal a reality this year. Hopefully, I can realize this target so that I may also share with you all how I did it!
And you, my friends? What is your target for this year?
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