Oct 31, 2011

10k Triond Views This Month! Well done, me! :)

How to get Triond views used to be difficult for me. A hundred visitors in one month seemed to be so hard to get before. Thanks to my Triond and online friends, I learned to increased that batting rate to a much, much higher percentage. This month, I am happy to see the 10,000++ views I have for my 98 articles.

Happy me! :)

I have to admit, writing online for money is becoming a lot more exciting these past days. Writing for Triond is proving to be a good move. I've come a long way in my search for online income - from paid to clicks to paid to posts and finally, to becoming a freelance writer.

Writing for Triond is just half of the challenge. Getting traffic is the other half. If you're new to Triond, I suggest to start working with its community. There are many Triond writers who are willing to help our newcomers. I know because I got my first ever 1000 views from the Triond community.

Let's go back to my accumulated views for this month. See, I think I only know 5% of the SEO techniques. 5%? That's nothing compared to what professional online promoters and marketers use. However, I make sure I use this 5% to maximize my Triond views and earnings.While there are so many ways to make money online (by writing or by any other means), I believe that what I know NOW may deliver optimum results when done continuously without fail. I say, consistency is essential in increasing views and traffic.

So, my advise to you is this. Whatever you're doing now to get Triond views, continue doing it. And if you haven't started building up your views yet, start with the Triond community. Add friends; comment on their articles; and ask them to do the same for you. Do this for a week or 2 and you'll see some great improvements in your views and earnings.


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